Tuesday 19 February 2008

izmir riviera of turkey

Izmir - the Riviera of Turkey

Izmir Nice is an expensive city. Eating out feels bad over here after

Turkey. The food is good, don't get me wrong. I am just still thinking

all the prices in Turkish liras.

Paying 30 euros for a menu at a restaurant, including all the drinks,

is not too bad. I am just thinking what I can get in Istanbul with 60

liras. A lot.

The mindset in Nice is different. This is a posh city, right next to

Monaco. In a way, it reminds me of Izmir. The height and style of the

buildings, the boulevards, palm trees..

There is some ressemblence between the Turkish city on the Aegean

coast and the French capital of the Riviera. They are both located by

the Mediterranean sea, in different ends however.

Izmir was largely destroyed in the battles against the Greeks. The

buildings are later built and don't carry so much history with them.

But the Mediterranean style is the same. The streets are exceptionally

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